Thursday, August 4, 2011

Subversive Password Problem

On several instances I've seen subversive in a state where it won't accept user credentials: every remote operation results in a password dialog that won't accept valid credentials. One solution is to clear out the keyring:

If subclipse is setup to use JavaHL (which it is by default: check in Preferences > Team > SVN > SVN interface), then the passwords are stored in the same location as if the command-line svn tool was used. For unix-based systems (or using the command-line tool under cygwin), this is in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple. On windows it is in c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\subversion\auth\svn.simple. It looks like there is one file per repository in this directory (the filename is a long hexadecimal number). This file contains your username and password.
On the other hand, if subclipse is configured to use the JavaSVN adapter, the .keyring file mentioned in the post appears to be located in the eclipse directory (not the workspace, the actually directory where the eclipse executable is found) under configuration/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.keyring. This is a binary file and hence must be deleted.