Sunday, October 16, 2011

SOLVED: pyTivoX photos app not working

The pyTivoX photo app has never worked for me. Even after installing PIL (python imaging library) and libjpeg, I still get the 'broken icon' on the TV for all photos. I think the problem is that the PIL bundled with pyTivoX (/Applications/ overrides my 'site-packages' copy of PIL and it doesn't know how to find libjpeg on my system. I fixed the problem by renaming to _PIL. It works now

Install PIL easily with homebrew:

%brew install PIL

which should also take care of the libjpeg dependency. (you can verify you have libjpeg by executing the 'cjpeg' command.

SOLVED: Picasa Doesn't Recognize Iphone

For several months, I've been unable to import photos from the Iphone via Picasa. Instead, I have to use ImageCapture (and remember to choose to delete photos from the device.) and then import the photos into Picasa as a folder.

After a little Google searching I found that swapping the USB cables in the back of the computer caused the Iphone (but not the printer) to appear in Picasa's list of devices. Currently working when printer occupies the leftmost port and Iphone occupies the rightmost (as viewed from front of Mac Mini).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A good source for Precompiled Python Packages for Windows 64

PyDev Reindex Packages

After adding a new Package to Python, PyDev needs to reindex the packages. To do so:

Window >> Preferences >> PyDev >> Interpretter - Python
Make a non-destructive edit to the path: For instance-Use New Folder to add anything (C:\ for instance) then use Remove to remove it.
Click Apply


Monday, October 3, 2011

Virtual Box, Symlinks, Protocol Error

Running Ubuntu 64 in Virtual Box on a Windows 7 (64) host. ln -s commands to create symbolic links to files in the shared folder were failing with 'Protocol Error'

Solution: Run VirtualBox as administrator.

Skype client uses port 80!!!

I was wondering why my local WAMP instance wasn't reachable at http:/localhost/ ....turns out Skype is using port 80!! !%#$@^